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Preparing for My Dream Home

My husband and I have spent a lot of time consulting with an architect. After living in our cramped, starter home for the past 11 years, we were finally ready to make some needed changes to it. We have added an extra 600 square feet of space onto our house. Before the construction began, we finalized the plans for our new heating and air conditioning unit with our HVAC contractor. Because our home was going to be substantially bigger than it is now, we purchased a larger HVAC system. We also installed a new, digital thermostat inside my home. On this blog, I hope you will discover the best types of HVAC units to buy for mid-size homes. Enjoy!


Preparing for My Dream Home

    Reasons You Should Get An AC Tune-Up Before Summer

    An air conditioner is your best friend during summer. That said, you must ensure that your AC system is ready to keep your loved ones cool and comfortable. And to achieve that, you must get an AC tune-up before the hot season starts. Here is why you should service your air conditioning unit at this time. Prevent Breakdowns Air conditioner breakdowns are pretty common during summer. Unfortunately, these breakdowns happen due to the lack of maintenance.

    Your Furnace's Repair Needs

    When your furnace starts having issues, you should have it fixed right away. Even if the furnace is still heating the home, signs of issues shouldn't be ignored. Any change means there may be a big malfunction looming. Here are some things that can indicate the presence of a furnace problem that should be repaired, as well as the advantages of acting quickly. Signs your furnace might have problems There is an unevenness to the heating: If your furnace has stopped heating your home evenly, then it can be due to a number of possible issues.

    3 Strange Noises You Shouldn't Hear From Your Furnace

    It's normal for your furnace to make noise as it operates. Note that most functional and well-serviced systems will run with a low humming noise. Moreover, if the heater is gas-powered, you might hear a tiny pop when it turns on. However, modern units have sound-dampening technology; hence you shouldn't hear the noise the system makes unless you're in the same room. Given this, loud and shocking noises from the system could spell trouble.

    HVAC Systems: Why Is Air Balancing So Important?

    As a homeowner, you own different systems that help you improve your home's functionality and ensure indoor comfort. One such unit is your HVAC system; without it, the weather outside would influence your indoor temperatures and make your home unbearable to live in. That's why you should get the most service out of the unit. Most homeowners don't realize the importance of air-balancing their HVAC system until it's too late. Air balancing is a process where different aspects of airflow within HVAC systems are adjusted to ensure that the indoor environment is comfortable for occupants.

    Benefits Of Cleaning Your Air Ducts

    Air ducts direct warm or cold air into and out of your home. However, dirt and debris may accumulate in your duct system over time, calling for air duct cleaning. Here are the pros of implementing duct cleaning solutions. Air Quality If your air ducts are dirty, air may carry dust or chemical particles. These foreign particles may contaminate the air, lowering its quality. Remember that inhaling contaminated air may cause health issues.

    Differences Between Commercial And Residential Air Conditioning Installations

    As someone who owns both a home and a commercial property, you might have experience with things like having an air conditioning system installed in your home. However, it might be time for you to install an air conditioning unit on your commercial property for the first time. Since you have experience with having this done in the home, you might assume that the experience will be quite similar when you have it done on your commercial property.

    4 Signs That Your Ductless AC System Needs Repair

    A properly functioning ductless AC system can deliver cool or warm air to a room without needing connective ductwork. It is a valuable addition to your home if you are looking for a much more energy-efficient system.  But, sometimes, the AC system may not work as you expect. If you notice that your house is not as conditioned as it was before, the problem probably stems from the ductless AC system.

    Multistage Or Modulating Furnace—What's The Difference?

    Selecting a furnace can be confusing for anyone who's not an HVAC technician or expert. Many people go into the process believing they'll need to select an appropriate size for their furnace, but this decision is largely out of your hands and determined by your home's size and environment. Instead, you'll need to select between options that will affect your furnace's efficiency, comfort, and noise level. If you've already started your selection process, you've probably come across terms like "