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Preparing for My Dream Home

My husband and I have spent a lot of time consulting with an architect. After living in our cramped, starter home for the past 11 years, we were finally ready to make some needed changes to it. We have added an extra 600 square feet of space onto our house. Before the construction began, we finalized the plans for our new heating and air conditioning unit with our HVAC contractor. Because our home was going to be substantially bigger than it is now, we purchased a larger HVAC system. We also installed a new, digital thermostat inside my home. On this blog, I hope you will discover the best types of HVAC units to buy for mid-size homes. Enjoy!


Preparing for My Dream Home

    3 Key Advantages Of Evaporative Coolers

    There's no denying that traditional air conditioners are great at cooling a house. Yet not everybody can afford the higher electricity bills that tend to come with them. Luckily, evaporative coolers offer an effective and low cost way of achieving similar results. If you would like to learn more about the advantages of evaporative cooling, read on. This article will discuss three key things that you should know. Evaporative coolers are easier on the environment.

    Why Fuel Delivery Services Are Better Than Fuel Cards

    Fuel cards can be a useful program to enroll in for commercial trucking companies. By owning a card, the driver can travel to one of several fueling stations to have his or her gas refilled. However, these fuel cards also have their disadvantages and there are many reasons why it may be better to use a fleet fuel delivery service. More Savings While there are some savings associated with fuel cards, there are also costs.

    Protect Your HVAC Units During Summer Vacation

    There aren't many people who do not look forward to going on their summer vacation, but a lot has to be considered before you lock up your home and head out. One of the biggest considerations is your HVAC systems. The last thing you want to do is come home to a problem with one of your HVAC units. Not only do you want to preserve your systems while you are on vacation, but you could end up saving yourself some money if you plan ahead.

    How Leaky Air Ducts Might Be Causing Inefficiency with Your AC System

    If you've noticed that your central air conditioning system is not cooling your house as quickly or efficiently as it once did, you might assume that it needs to be cleaned or repaired. While this might be true, the problem could also be the result of leaky air ducts, which can make it hard for a system to keep up. Here are a few things to understand about this problem.

    Air Conditioning Care Can Help Ease Your Allergy Symptoms

    More than 50 million people suffer from allergies each year. While areas of sensitivity can include food, a substantial number of sufferers deal with adverse reactions to environmental elements like dust and tree pollen. Make your home a place of refuge by focusing on your air conditioning unit. The right type of filter and regular maintenance can help keep irritants out and keep you more comfortable.   Focus On The Type Of Filter

    Four Reasons To Use Passive Cooling To Help Your AC System

    As a responsible homeowner, you may know that having professional maintenance done yearly is an important part of keeping your AC system healthy. But did you know that you can also use natural cooling (also known as "passive cooling") to make things easier on your AC unit? Here are four reasons you should consider using passive cooling techniques in your home. 1. Less energy usage means lower energy bills You've probably noticed that your energy bills go up in the summer, especially if you live in the warmer part of the country.

    4 Potential Reasons Your Air Conditioner Trips The Circuit Breaker Every Time It Runs

    When your indoor temperatures start to feel balmy and uncomfortable, hearing the air conditioner click on is a sweet sound indeed. But what about when you hear a loud pop from the circuit box and no whoosh of air moving through the ducts instead? If your air conditioner is causing the breaker in the box to trip every time it starts up, you have a serious problem that may have a simple solution.

    3 Simple Ways To Check For Air Duct Leakage

    Your home's heating and air conditioning system relies on a series of ducts to deliver heated or cooled air throughout your living space. If one of these ducts springs a leak, your heating and cooling system becomes less efficient. Being vigilant when it comes to watching for air duct leaks is essential for homeowners today. Here are three simple things you can do to help you identify duct leakage in the future.