About Me

Preparing for My Dream Home

My husband and I have spent a lot of time consulting with an architect. After living in our cramped, starter home for the past 11 years, we were finally ready to make some needed changes to it. We have added an extra 600 square feet of space onto our house. Before the construction began, we finalized the plans for our new heating and air conditioning unit with our HVAC contractor. Because our home was going to be substantially bigger than it is now, we purchased a larger HVAC system. We also installed a new, digital thermostat inside my home. On this blog, I hope you will discover the best types of HVAC units to buy for mid-size homes. Enjoy!


Preparing for My Dream Home

The Top 5 Reasons You Need A 24/7 Emergency AC Repair Service On Speed Dial

by Rita Richardson

This summer, having a functional air conditioning system will be crucial. Even an AC unit that's out overnight can cause problems. That's why it's so important to have a 24/7 emergency AC repair service on speed dial is important.

Here are a few reasons why you should have an AC repair pro ready to answer the call at all times.

1 - A Breakdown Can Happen at Any Time

Air conditioner failures are unpredictable, and they can happen at any time of day or night. You don't want to be put in a situation where you have no choice but to wait until the next day for help. With a 24/7 emergency AC repair service, you can get assistance no matter the time of day.

For example, you might experience a breakdown late at night that would leave your home unbearably hot and humid, keeping you up all night when you need to get to work in the morning.

2 - A Breakdown Can Prompt Safety & Health Concerns

Hot and humid conditions caused by a broken air conditioner can cause serious safety and health concerns. Without a working AC system, you're placing yourself in danger because the heat and humidity can lead to dehydration, heat exhaustion, and even heat stroke.

Some people, including very young children and elderly individuals, are especially vulnerable to heat issues. Emergency AC repair can save lives.

3 - An Unrepaired Unit Can Be Expensive

Your air conditioner is an investment. Quick intervention may save your unit. For instance, if your AC unit has a bad motor, continuing to run the unit could lead to issues like electrical failure.

Having a 24/7 emergency repair service can also save you from having to purchase a new unit in the future since a timely repair could prevent long-term damage.

4 - Lack of Repairs Is Energy Inefficient

When your AC unit has a problem, it causes the system to use more energy and run longer in order to produce the same amount of cool air. This lack of efficiency can end up costing you more money in the long run, and it's not good for the environment.

5 - You Can Have Peace of Mind

Knowing you have a 24/7 emergency repair service on hand to help you out in a pinch can provide peace of. You'll know that help is just a phone call away and you can trust the technicians to do the job right.

Find the Right Emergency AC Technician

Now that you know why an emergency AC repair service is so important, it's time to find the right technician for the job. Look for a company with experienced, qualified technicians who can provide quick and reliable service.
