About Me

Preparing for My Dream Home

My husband and I have spent a lot of time consulting with an architect. After living in our cramped, starter home for the past 11 years, we were finally ready to make some needed changes to it. We have added an extra 600 square feet of space onto our house. Before the construction began, we finalized the plans for our new heating and air conditioning unit with our HVAC contractor. Because our home was going to be substantially bigger than it is now, we purchased a larger HVAC system. We also installed a new, digital thermostat inside my home. On this blog, I hope you will discover the best types of HVAC units to buy for mid-size homes. Enjoy!


Preparing for My Dream Home

2 Variables To Consider When Choosing A New Furnace

by Rita Richardson

When you are building a new house, you want to make sure that you are going to be able to be nice and warm in your new house. That means that you need to figure out what kind of furnace you want to have in your house. There are a lot of choices out there, and there are a lot of things that you can do that will help you pin down the right furnace for you and your house. So, what are some of the variables that can go into your home heating choices?

Square Footage

One of the variables that you are going to have to consider is the square footage of your house. You need to know what the square footage is so that you make sure that the furnace you buy has the proper amount of BTUs to heat your house. You may think that the higher the output of the furnace, the better it's going to work to heat your house, but it doesn't necessarily work that way. Instead, it becomes less energy-efficient, and you are just wasting money. Likewise, if you don't have a furnace that is strong enough, it is going to have to work harder to heat your house. Basically, what you need to do is to take the square footage of your house, find your climate zone, and multiply the square footage by the lower number in your climate zone, and the result is the BTUs you are going to need. For example for an 800 sq. ft. house in climate zone 5, you would want to use 50, which means you would need a furnace that provides 40,000 BTU. 

Fuel Source

Another variable to keep in mind when choosing your furnace is what kind of fuel source you are going to use. All furnaces need to have some kind of fuel, whether it's wood pellets, natural gas, or kerosene. Some of the fuel choices may not work for you, depending on where you live and the accessibility of services. For example, you might want to use natural gas, but if you don't have a company that provides natural gas to your area, then you are going to have to use a different fuel source. Or, you may have to work with a company that can install natural gas pipes to your house from the main line, but that will cost you more money. 

If you are building a new house, you want to make sure that you have the right choice for your furnace. There are several variables you need to consider before you talk to the HVAC company about installing a home heating system. 
