About Me

Preparing for My Dream Home

My husband and I have spent a lot of time consulting with an architect. After living in our cramped, starter home for the past 11 years, we were finally ready to make some needed changes to it. We have added an extra 600 square feet of space onto our house. Before the construction began, we finalized the plans for our new heating and air conditioning unit with our HVAC contractor. Because our home was going to be substantially bigger than it is now, we purchased a larger HVAC system. We also installed a new, digital thermostat inside my home. On this blog, I hope you will discover the best types of HVAC units to buy for mid-size homes. Enjoy!


Preparing for My Dream Home

What Are The Benefits Of Fall HVAC Preventative Maintenance?

by Rita Richardson

Preventative maintenance is a crucial part of any home's HVAC system, and it is especially important in the fall. In the fall, a home's heating and cooling system is put under a lot of strain due to the changing seasons. If preventive maintenance is not performed on a regular basis, then the system may begin to have issues due to the added stress of colder weather. This can cause your energy bills to go up, and your system may even break down completely.

Longer Lifespan

HVAC equipment, such as your heating and air conditioning unit, is a significant investment and will likely be with you for many years. It is important to get regular maintenance done on your HVAC system to make sure it is running at its best.

Enhanced Productivity

Getting your HVAC equipment serviced at least once a year can help extend the life of your system and keep it operating efficiently. When your HVAC system is regularly serviced, it is able to operate at its highest efficiency. This means that you can save money on your energy bills and that your system will not have to work as hard to keep you comfortable. If you do not get your equipment serviced regularly, then it may not be operating at its highest level and this can cause problems down the line.

Decreased Carbon Footprint

In addition to helping your system to operate at its highest efficiency, preventive maintenance can also reduce your carbon footprint. If your HVAC system is not running as well as it could be, then it will use more energy. This means that you will have to pay more money for your energy bills and that you will be using more resources. If you get preventative maintenance done on a regular basis, then you will see a reduction in the amount of greenhouse gases that your system uses because it will be working as efficiently as possible. This means that you can help protect the environment and save yourself money at the same time by getting regular preventative maintenance done on your HVAC equipment.

If you want to save money on your energy bills and reduce your carbon footprint, then it is important to get preventative maintenance done on your HVAC system. When you regularly get your system serviced, then it will be able to operate at its highest efficiency and this will help save you money while also protecting the environment. Contact your local HVAC company to ask about regular preventative HVAC maintenance for your home's heating and cooling system.
