About Me

Preparing for My Dream Home

My husband and I have spent a lot of time consulting with an architect. After living in our cramped, starter home for the past 11 years, we were finally ready to make some needed changes to it. We have added an extra 600 square feet of space onto our house. Before the construction began, we finalized the plans for our new heating and air conditioning unit with our HVAC contractor. Because our home was going to be substantially bigger than it is now, we purchased a larger HVAC system. We also installed a new, digital thermostat inside my home. On this blog, I hope you will discover the best types of HVAC units to buy for mid-size homes. Enjoy!


Preparing for My Dream Home

Why Is There Very Little Water In Your Shower?

by Rita Richardson

Many people take showers because it's more convenient, easier, and cheaper than taking regular baths. But if the fixtures in your shower can't produce enough water for you to wash properly, you may end up frustrated and confused instead. Before you skip your much-anticipated showers, learn why your shower produces very little water below.

The Water Pressure in Your Bathroom Is Low

One of the reasons shower heads and faucets produce very little water is low pressure. Every water line running through your home has pressure inside it. Pressure allows water to flow toward your faucets, shower heads, and other plumbing fixtures instead of away from them. Low pressure hinders the flow of water inside your pipes. 

A number of things can reduce water pressure in your lines, including corroding pipes, a broken pressure-reducing valve, and hidden plumbing leaks. Since any one of these things can disrupt water flow to your shower head, you want to contact a plumbing contractor and have them check and repair each potential problem for you. 

If a plumber doesn't find anything wrong with the pipes or valves in your bathroom, they may check your water heater to see if it's the cause of your problem.

The Water Heater in Your Home Has a Problem

Water heaters can affect the water pressure in your bathroom and other rooms over time. Pressure can lower inside your water heater if the appliance has too many hard water minerals (or sediment) inside it, or if the appliance is corroded and old. The low pressure can limit or reduce how much hot water comes out of your shower head and bathtub faucet.

If your water heater has a sediment problem, a plumber may remedy the issue by flushing out the appliance. Flushing removes calcium, magnesium, and other minerals from the tank. Once flushed, your water heater should send the right amount of hot water to your bathroom.

If flushing out your water heater doesn't improve water flow or pressure to your shower head or bathroom, a contractor may check the appliance's lines for trapped air. Air can trap inside the heater's water lines during the year. If air passes to other parts of your plumbing system, such as to the kitchen or toilet, it could cause significant problems around your home. A plumber wants to help you prevent these issues now.

You can find out why your shower produces very little water by contacting a plumbing contractor such as Bud's Plumbing, Heating, Air Conditioning & Electric today.
